Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Degani Kinglake ride

Well last Sunday saw about 3000 riders head off to do the Degani Kinglake ride. 5 minutes before we set off it started to rain and basically it kept going on and off for most of the ride. When it wasn't raining the water spray from the road was like it was raining.

The pace for the first 500 meters was a good participation ride pace, and even though it was raining I was comfortable. However once the 500mts was over someone at the front who looks like this decided that we should up the ante.

So for the next 3 hours we tapped out a very solid pace and by the time we reached the base of the last climb out of flowerdale at the 100km mark there was about 12 left in the front bunch. As we started the climb it was down to 4 of us with one rider about 200 meters off the front.

I just could not hold the other 3 guys towards the top of the climb as Rohan decided he wanted to bridge the gap to the guy off the front. I spent the next 20kms turning myself inside out to try and get back on.

This was my first "participation" ride and I really enjoyed it even though the weather was just terrible for road riding. So I will definetly do the ride again next year.

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